Therapeutic Holidays

Healing Therapy organizes therapeutic retreats of various durations in natural energetic locations. In this way we want to unite the concept of healing and well-being by offering healing therapies in places chosen for their natural beauty. A gift for body and soul. A break from the hectic rhythm of the cities. In a small group of fifteen to twenty people we can share our experiences and teachings of the Yagé with other participants with the same concerns and the Healing Therapy team. An opportunity to expand consciousness and develop as a person.
You can find further information in our calendar of events or contact our team directly.

In September 2018 we will offer a one-week retreat on the beautiful natural island of Menorca.

We are planning a spiritual trip to Iceland. Contact us for more information.


Ayahuasca Healing Therapy

La Etnoterapia chamánica con Healing Therapy te ayuda a ver y percibir la vida desde una nueva perspectiva. El contacto con nuestras emociones recupera el flujo energético permitiendo que vivamos las relaciones con nosotros mismo y con los demás de una forma más auténtica. Es un proceso de limpieza físico y psicológico. Un proceso de reconexión con nuestra auténtica naturaleza.

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